Ever wonder why some people can manifest things easily?


And yet, here you sit wondering how to make manifestation work for you.


Do they have superpowers you don’t? Of course not.

I’m a transformation specialist and just one of the tools in my toolbox is knowing that absolutely everyone has the power to manifest, it’s just a matter of learning how to harness that gift.

Today we’re talking about the biggest blocker I see others have when trying to manifest what they desire.

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So, what are we talking about when we’re talking about blocking manifestation? Right?

“But Sunshine, I want it. I desire it. It’s in my heart of hearts. Why am I having such a hard time with it?”

That’s what people keep telling me and it’s the same people again and again.

One of the biggest things that I have found when you go to manifest something and you’re like, “But it’s in my heart of hearts, Sunshine and I want it with all my being because you know I really need it.”…

But what happens when you need something? Right?

What happens when you have to have it?

Instead of having your hands open to receive, they’re closed shut right?

Think about your manifestation as a physical thing.

That physical thing is in the palm of your hand.

In order to receive that physical thing that you want, you need to have your palm open, right?

Even if you have it or if you’re close to having it and saying it’s sitting right here, if you close your fist around that thing that you want and you have a complete death grip on it, you are not trusting that you can have it.

Instead, you’ re trying to control that you can have it and manifestation does not come from need.

It does not come from desperation.

Make Manifestation Work for You - Unlock Your Blocks

You can manifest things you need. I’m not saying that you can’t, but if you’re coming at it with the energy of desperation or need or control, it’s not going to happen for you.

I get it because I’m a control freak myself if I’m not careful because you know how it is…

We can always slip back into old patterns if we’re not aware of where we’re coming from, the energy that we’re bring to the table and what it is that we’re doing, right?

So, instead of the death grip that you have on it…


Let go.

Let it open, instead of keeping it wrapped up tight like a rosebud when it first starts.

Don’t keep it wrapped up tight, open up, leave that space free.

The rosebud doesn’t stay tight forever. It opens up, right?

Do the same thing with how you’re holding on to your manifestations because, at the end of the day, you shouldn’t be holding on to a manifestation anyway.

It’s really a thought, a feeling, a desire and energy that you put out there and then you let it go.

You release it. You put that trust behind it out into the universe, out into the world, out to God, out to your angels, out to your archangels, right?

So, you’re not sitting there going, “Oh my God, I really need this. I really need this. I really need this. I need this to happen. This has to happen because I wanted it and I desired it and I need it and if it doesn’t happen, then this bad thing is going to happen and that bad thing is going to happen and the other bad thing is going to happen.”

That’s not the space that manifestation comes from.

Manifestation does not work in that mindset.

It doesn’t work in that mentality.

It doesn’t work with you being a control freak over it.

It just doesn’t.

Anything that I have ever desired that I tried to control has either A…

not shown up at all, I would say 95% of the time and…

The 5% of the time that it does, it shows up in such a way that I almost didn’t want it anymore anyway because I had too tight of a control over the outcome or the how or the whatever or I didn’t trust enough.

So, it ends up manifesting in a really wonky way.

So, don’t try to control the outcome.

Don’t try to control the how.

For some people, they can sit there and put a timeline on something, right? I want X dollars by X date and for them, that works, but it’s because they do it without having that spirit of control over it.

They do it with the releasing of it and then letting it go.

They still want it by that date.

It doesn’t mean that they don’t still want it by that date, but they’re not obsessing over that date, they’re not trying to figure out all the little magical intricate details of it so that they can micromanage the whole thing.

They put the date out there and they let it go and then they show up and they do their part at the same time.

It doesn’t mean that they don’t still want it by that date.

For me, because I know that personally, I can tend to go into the control energy, I don’t tend to put dates to things as much.

If it’s something that already intrinsically has a date attached to it for an outside reason and a reason that’s outside of me, then I’ll put the date to it, but other than that, I have learned that, well hell, even if I put the date to it, I’ll usually put it further out and then it ends up coming to me sooner anyway.

That’s what happened with our move to our dream city (Savannah – a year earlier than asked for)…

That’s what happened with me shutting down a division of my business that was no longer serving me (again, a year earlier than I’d originally thought)…

That’s what’s happened with many, many things that I have been like, “Okay, I’m ready for the next level,” but I want it next year and then it happens in two weeks because I let go of the outcome.

I still want the outcome but I let go of the how. I let go of the why.

I let go of all the little intricate details.

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If you think of it like a clock or a watch and all the little tiny pieces that go into the clock or the watch, you’re not focused on all those little tiny pieces that are in that clock and the watch that make the time show up for you right?

You’re just interested in what time it is.

It’s the same thing for what you want to manifest.

Just be interested in what you want to manifest and then let that shit go, you know?

Don’t release it and be like, “I don’t want it anymore,” but release the intricacies.

Release the little levers and the clock and the little hands and all the little things that make up a watch or make up a clock, right?

Let go of all those little tiny pieces and just stay attached to the time.

So, stay attached to that which you want to manifest.

Keep that in your heart and soul, but just go about doing what you’re doing while you’re holding the space for it and releasing the how.

Releasing the outcome.

Releasing the micromanagement.

Releasing the control.

Releasing the fear.

Releasing the what ifs.

Releasing the neediness behind it.

Releasing any feelings of desperation.

Releasing any feelings of not being good enough.

Releasing any feelings of wanting it because you think it’s what you were supposed to want because that’s the other thing…

If you just want to manifest something because you think it’s what you’re supposed to what but it’s not really what you want, then that’s not going to show up for you either because that’s not what’s meant for you because it’s not what you really want.

It’s not really your heart’s desire.

So, let it be simple.

Focus on the thing that you desire.

Put it out there. Palms open, no closed fists, okay?

Let go of all the extra angst and anxiety and desperation and need and control issues around it and watch what happens.

I hope this was helpful for you. If it was you’re sure to love our weekly-ish newsletter and the workbook on making manifestation work for you. By signing up for the newsletter, we’re throwing it in for free!

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