Empowerment for all of my fellow women…

My God woman…

If you could just see…

-The strength and power and beauty and amazing wildness you possess just by the nature of your sex.

-The fact that always and forever, since the dawn of the ages, you have persisted and endured and risen and shined.

-That once God made you, he was done. Man alone was not enough, women came as completion.

-That you outlive, out-rise, out-shine, out-do all who would see you fail. Just by your nature.

-That you are complete. Enough. Nothing more is needed.

-That you have the freedom to create, bring forth, give life, to your art, your heart, your passions, to life itself.

-That once you realize your full power, in its beauty and awe-striking profoundness, its purity, and boldness mixed with grace, that nothing and NO ONE, not one, can stop you.

-That you are more than the sum of your parts. You are the spirit, you are the ether, you are the Universe and the Universe is contained within you.

Woman, my dear, sweet, humble, bold, spirited, vulnerable, powerful woman…

My God, if you could just see what we see! 💜

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